Lesson 107

I'm So Great
If you're reading this, we already love you and know how great you are. But in case you need to let somebody else know, tune in today and learn how to use the simple present to tell everyone how awesome your life is.

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everything in this lesson?

I think there is some technical problem with review and speaking tabs. They don't work properly.
Oct 28, 2013

Alright, the review is fixed! Çok teşekkür ederiz. :)
The speaking part should be up shortly.
The speaking part should be up shortly.

Hi Speaking section still not working maaslef! It would be good to practice this tense.

Öğrenci, Eva
In Germany for this lesson the FUN-Video can not be seen, because there is musik used, for what GEMA has not given rights; maybe you can chance a youtube-link?
This is a very important lesson and I thank so much for your excellent explainations.
Every day I take one of your great lessons to refresh my unstructured knowledges. It is a good thing to subscribe!
The questions of REVIEW are very interesting for me, when I have to do really by my own and than look to the correct spelling. If there are more than one way to express - it is fine, that you except several answers; very helpfull to see, how to do.
Thanks so lot and I hope you'll have fun to continue for a very long time ...
This is a very important lesson and I thank so much for your excellent explainations.
Every day I take one of your great lessons to refresh my unstructured knowledges. It is a good thing to subscribe!
The questions of REVIEW are very interesting for me, when I have to do really by my own and than look to the correct spelling. If there are more than one way to express - it is fine, that you except several answers; very helpfull to see, how to do.
Thanks so lot and I hope you'll have fun to continue for a very long time ...

Hey guys, awesome website by the way. I heard this word in the fun part from the song "öptürmedi". Öpmedi means didn't kiss, but what the heck is the "tür" after öp doing here? my life would be much easier without this "tür" . Could you please explain it a little bit

@Eva - thank you so much :) I'll switch out the video today.
Öptürmek is the causative (-dir) form of öpmek. The causative makes verbs that *cause* the action to happen to someone else. So, yaptırmak = to make do, bildirmek = to make know.
So, öptürmek means "to make somebody kiss " For example, "yeri öptürmek" means "to wipe the floor with" or literally - "to make kiss the ground."
So, öp + tür + me + di = he/she/it did not make kiss (or based on the sentence, "let kiss")
Does that help? :)
Öptürmek is the causative (-dir) form of öpmek. The causative makes verbs that *cause* the action to happen to someone else. So, yaptırmak = to make do, bildirmek = to make know.
So, öptürmek means "to make somebody kiss " For example, "yeri öptürmek" means "to wipe the floor with" or literally - "to make kiss the ground."
So, öp + tür + me + di = he/she/it did not make kiss (or based on the sentence, "let kiss")
Does that help? :)

Yes, It does. It makes alotta sense. Thanks Justin.

in the language points, "Her akşam Türkçe praktik yaparım." - should it not be "pratik"

Merhaba Justin,
Is it something wrong when I use "her gece" for "every night" in review sentence "we go every night"? Moreover: is it ok to say "gece" even for "evening" in Turkish?
Is it something wrong when I use "her gece" for "every night" in review sentence "we go every night"? Moreover: is it ok to say "gece" even for "evening" in Turkish?

Once again, you are very right Maciek :)
While akşam and gece can both be used for "night" - you're right that "gece" typically expresses something later than "akşam."
If you were to translate "evening" directly, akşam would be better than gece.
Accordingly, I changed that question to use gece instead and specified it in the question so there won't be confusion in the future.
Thanks Maciek!
While akşam and gece can both be used for "night" - you're right that "gece" typically expresses something later than "akşam."
If you were to translate "evening" directly, akşam would be better than gece.
Accordingly, I changed that question to use gece instead and specified it in the question so there won't be confusion in the future.
Thanks Maciek!

Hello Justin
I think there is a big problem in the "practice this language point" section of Negative First Person. All the answers for "biz" are given as "-mamız" and "-memiz" instead of "-mayız" and "-meyiz". Or is there something I didn't get or is am I right in thinking that's very wrong ?
Thanks for having a look. Keep up the good work !
I think there is a big problem in the "practice this language point" section of Negative First Person. All the answers for "biz" are given as "-mamız" and "-memiz" instead of "-mayız" and "-meyiz". Or is there something I didn't get or is am I right in thinking that's very wrong ?
Thanks for having a look. Keep up the good work !

Hello again
The problems in the "practice" section continue :
In Questions and Negative Reviews, in most cases negative question is required without it being specified. So there is actually no way of telling wether to answer in simple negative or in negative question.
Could someone have a look at this practice page, it has a lot of problems that need fixing.
The problems in the "practice" section continue :
In Questions and Negative Reviews, in most cases negative question is required without it being specified. So there is actually no way of telling wether to answer in simple negative or in negative question.
Could someone have a look at this practice page, it has a lot of problems that need fixing.