Lesson 21 Advanced
Küçük Kadın
Türkçe şarkı sözlerini anlamakta zorlanabilirsiniz. İngilizce gibi oldukça şiirsel ve metaforlarla dolular. Bugün Jehan Barbur'un şarkısı Küçük Kadın şarkısına bakacağız.
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everything in this lesson?
Song here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSBbBZdcGP0
Apr 07, 2013
Dude the review page has a bug. Eventhough you have completed answering all the questions still it gives a warning saying all questions not answered.
Teşekkür ederiz! Sorunu çözdüm. Kusura bakma.
Kucuk kadin is used here for young girl rather than genc kadin. Please could you elaborate on their uses. Thanks
It's sort of poetic, since it's a song. Similar to the English phrase, "she's a small girl in a big world." It's not a normal colloquial usage.
Hi Justin,
Here is also Speaking need to be fixed, I could not download it!
Here is also Speaking need to be fixed, I could not download it!
Hi Ali, I'll go fix it now, thanks!
Again, you can right-click and "save as" in these cases. Send me an email at justin@turkishteatime.com and let me now when you find them, though. Çok teşekkür ederim :)
Again, you can right-click and "save as" in these cases. Send me an email at justin@turkishteatime.com and let me now when you find them, though. Çok teşekkür ederim :)