Say What?
Lesson 65beginner Turkish Beginner
Say What?
What was that? Come again? I thought I heard you say that you wanted to learn about the Turkish question article. You're in luck.
Moving the question article (mi).
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birinci soru yanlis bence . what day yerine tomorow olmasi gerekir
May 22, 2013
Tomorrow is a day ;-)
May 22, 2013
birinci sorunun cevabi bu :
hangi gun Biz sinemaya gidecegiz ?
May 22, 2013
Sure, but we're just asking which of the sentences is specifically asking about the time of the event, not for a literal translation. So, are we going tomorrow, are we going in two days, are we going tonight?

Also, hoş geldiniz Morteza :)
Thanks for the comments!
May 22, 2013
Bana yardim edebilir misin?

Translate: Do you want this one? (Is it this one that you want). Bu sorulu:

Translate: Do you want this one? (Is it this one that you want)

Hem 'bu mu istiyorsun?' hem 'Bu bir mi istiyorsun?' denedim. Ama iki kere yanlış cevaplar verdim. Doğru cevap ne?
May 26, 2013
"Bunu mu istiyorsun?" is the correct answer, because "bu" needs an accusative. :)
Jun 03, 2013
Did he go on Friday ?
Cuma mi gitti ?
The "on " isn't directly translated. I suppose its assumed.
Could we say Cumada mi gitti ?
If we wanted to say, " He went on the 24th",could we say;
yirmi dortta mi gitti ?
Dec 28, 2013
Hello :) I believe there is an error in the Language Points section... many times it says "okudun" where I believe it should be "okudu" for third person (Ali)
Dec 30, 2013
@Frank - that's right. You will never see the locative on a day-name to say "on." So "Cumada mı gitti?" is not okay. You just say the day name.

As for day-numbers, the locative *is* used to say "on," but with a trick: the number is possessed by an implied "ayın" (month's).

So "on the 24th" is "yirmi dördünde." The "ayın" is usually left out in daily conversation.

@Armel - thank you :) all fixed!
Jan 01, 2014
Öğrenci, Eva
For the days, I often heard:
Cuma günü ......(this or that happend)
Pazar günü mü sinemaya ....(...)..

Please can you help me?
Can I ask like that? It sounds strange like this :-(
For the months:
Ocak (ayı) senin doğum günüdür mü?
[In January your birthay is it?]
Jan 17, 2014
So, you don't use -de when just saying the day. Pazarda is out.

If you use gün, it's optional. Both Pazar günü and Pazar gününde are okay.

You do need to use -de with the months, whether or not you use ay. Ocakta or Ocak ayında.

Does that clear it up? :)
Jan 18, 2014
Merhaba! I wondered if you could talk a little bit about the inflection in Turkish questions. I'm sure if you hear Turkish all around you all the time, you get used to this, but when I first started listening here, I was struck by how the voice rises in the middle of the question phrase, rather than just at the end as it does in English. As in a phrase like this: İstiyor musun? Do you have any tips for how to master this? Will Turks forgive you if you say it with an English inflection? :)

Apr 09, 2014
As a first disclaimer, I would recommend not to stress (ha, get it?) too much about stress. It really is something that comes from just listening to loads of Turkish and repeating it. When you practice, really over-do it to yourself to get used to the different speech inflection. The question stress feels very natural to me now in part because I repeated "Ekmek VAR mı?" to myself five thousand times when I was first learning Turkish.

Now! To answer your question, the question article (mi) moves the stress to the immediately preceding syllable.

ekmek VAR mı?
istiYOR musun?
geleCEK mısın?
o gelDI mi?

The negative -me/-ma does the same thing.


When you have a negative question, the left-most rule applies and you follow the negative stress.

GELmiyor musun?
isTEmiyor musun?
konUŞmadın mı?
Apr 10, 2014
And yes, Turks will definitely forgive your imperfect inflection, though it does impair communication enough where you may need to repeat yourself sometimes. In many cases, inflection seems to be as important to fluency as pronunciation. So don't be shy about really exaggerating when learning :)
Apr 10, 2014
Çok teşekkür ederim, Justin! I've gleaned a little bit about the movement of the stress in the past, but no one has ever laid it out this clearly for me before. Bu çok faydalı!
Apr 12, 2014

Can I say :

Kulaklıklarını takmayı unuttun mı yine?
Sep 22, 2014
Merhaba Mie!

Yep, that sentence is perfectly fine, and carries practically the same meaning as the sentence found in our dialog. Even to Büşra's native ear, there's not really a difference between the two.
Sep 24, 2014
What about "buyukanne" and "buyukbaba" (sorry for the spelling, I have standard non-trk keyboard)? Do the words exist in standard Turkish?
Apr 26, 2017
Those aren't as common, but are definitely a part of standard Turkish.
Apr 26, 2017
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