Small Talk
Lesson 60noobie Turkish Noobie
Small Talk
So, you come here often? Yeah, I like it too. Good vibe. You know, I came here once before I think. For a friend's birthday. It was fun. . . yep. Oh, I'm learning Turkish on this awesome website called Turkish Tea Time. They did a lesson today on small talk. . . good stuff.
Some small talk.
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so if I'm from Kuwait I'd say Kuwaitlıyım? or is it different depending on the letters?
Jun 11, 2013
I think It is: Kuveytliyim
Nov 21, 2013
Öğrenci, Eva
Please can you tell me the difference in using for "or":
I found ist like this -or am I wrong?:
yoksa (in the sense: if not, in the case of ...)
veya (in the sense of equal alternatives for - or- )
Dec 06, 2013
There are very similar in some contexts, and very different in others. For example, if we say that the man is going to die if he doesn't leave his gun, you can say: "Silahı bırak! Yoksa ölürsün." (Here, it means "or else" and notice the following present tense. It completes a conditional). In this context, it is weird to say "Silahı bırak! Veya ölürsün." (It has the connotation that you think that they are EQUAL options. So it is like you are teasing the guy.). Like you said, "veya" is used to present generally the equal alternatives:

Çay veya kahve alır mısınız?

But you can also say "Çay mı yoksa kahve mi alırsınız?" In this sense, they are kind of interchangeable, but still in "yoksa" you say "is it çay or I am totally wrong and it is kahve you want?

Büşra says: 'I would translate "yoksa" as "or else." It can be used in threats. And it can also be used in presenting options (with the question particle -mi. You cant say "çay yoksa kahve alır mısınız?").'
Dec 06, 2013
Öğrenci, Eva
Çok teşekkür ederim

Dec 07, 2013
In the review you don't allow "Adıniz ne ?" but it really needs a question mark surely.
Feb 16, 2014
Delete last comment - as you can see from my cut and paste I got a letter wrong - think I need stronger glasses - they look the same.
Feb 16, 2014
No problem at all :) I still make that mistake myself. For future reference, the written questions in the reviews don't check capitalization or punctuation.
Feb 18, 2014
Difference between:

Eh iste / soyle boyle ?
Mar 31, 2014
I think I see what you're getting at. They can both be used as ambivalent responses to "nasılsın?"

Eh işte = eh, this is it. okay, but not great.
şöyle böyle = so, so. Literally from French comme ci, comme ca
Mar 31, 2014
The last question, the answer "isminiz nedir?" should also be an option, right?
Aug 30, 2015
Why is "Turkum" not a proper response to Nerelisiniz? If I'm not mistaken I hear Turks say it in response to that question all the time.

Is it because saying "I'm Turkish", is not a 'complete' and 'proper' response to asking where someone is from?
Aug 14, 2018
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