Lesson 121beginner Turkish Beginner
Today, a couple of well-meaning vampires help us distinguish some basic verbs that Turkish learners confuse all the time.
Getirmek vs götürmek.
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Thanks - i like the vocab theme. Another word set I have problems with is all the various meanings of 'leave' bırakmak, çıkmak, ayrılmak, kalkmak......perhaps a lesson?
You say, you always mix up prefer and recommend. i mis up order and complain! I want to complain some food!
Dec 03, 2013
Haha! Good to know I'm not the only one! For everyone reading in:

bırakmak = to leave, to quit
çıkmak = to go out
ayrılmak = to separate
kalkmak = to get up

sipariş etmek = to order
şikayet etmek = to complain
Dec 03, 2013
Hi guys; Thank you for the wonderful lesson- as always.
i want to ask what is the difference between almak and gotumak?
Thanks a lot.
Dec 03, 2013
also would you please write me the name of the application you mentioned;i tried different spells, it didn't work out:(
Dec 03, 2013
Merhaba Mawra! Thank you and you're welcome :)

Consider the two sentences:

Çocuğu okuldan aldım.
I took the kids from school.

Çocuğu okula götürdüm.
I took the child to the school.

With "almak" you say that you get something from somewhere but with "götürmek" you say that you are just a carrier, a means, a deliverer. You carry or accompany someone or something to somewhere. With almak, you can own the thing you get, but in götürmek, you are not really getting something, just temporarily until you drop it off.

And the application that I mentioned is called Anki :)
Dec 03, 2013
Thanks a lot Justin! if you don't mind i still didn't understand how it's applied in the dialogue: " arkadasim hepsini goturdu" why it is not aldi?
Dec 03, 2013
Haha! Perfect question.

Just ran it by Büşra and she says there's no significant difference between your two sentences. Isn't language fun sometimes?
Dec 03, 2013
I have encountered yollamak to also mean to send. Is there a difference between yollamak and göndermek? If so, what would be an example of when to use yollamak?
Dec 16, 2013
Yes, yollamak and göndermek are really similar. They mean the same thing in a lot of contexts. There may be some speaker based differences - preferences more or less; or some conventional structures where you say "yollamak" not "göndermek, or vice versa.
Dec 16, 2013

I would expect it to be deyecegim. I know this is incorrect, as I have seen it used as the former. I assume this is just an irregularity. Is there anything else going on gramatically?
Feb 11, 2014
That's right - it's one of the few cases of irregularity in the entire language. You also see this with "yemek."

Feb 11, 2014
I have downloaded Anki. Looks good . Do you know if there is a way of using Turkish letters on it ? Maybe a "palette" of letters could be imported for those on an English keyboard ?
Please don't go to any trouble as this is outside this Website.
Feb 12, 2014
Anki doesn't manage your keyboard input - that's up to your computer. You'll want to look into setting up a virtual Turkish keyboard (just google around and you'll find lots of articles online). In the worst case, you'll need the install CD for your operating system. There's a chance it's installed by default, though.

After that, you can set up a keyboard shortcut to switch between an English and Turkish keyboard. For example, on this computer, I just press alt-shift to toggle between the two.

If you need more help getting something setup, I can do my best to help if you email me at
Feb 12, 2014
Many thanks Justin. A steer was all I needed. I find you can spend a lot of time barking up the wrong tree with computers. I should be able to bark in the right direction now !
Feb 12, 2014
Thank you so much, it has been of great help!! Those words have always given me a hard time, I hope I won't get confused again.

Also tanımak, tanışmak, taşınmak and taşımak are some of the pesky ones.
Mar 10, 2014
Thank you for your memory aids on getirmek and götürmek. How about this for göndermek and göstermek: Göndermek has "nd" in it just like "send." And göstermek has "s" in it just like "show."
Mar 18, 2014
Hi, Justin.

Oh yes, I always confuse göstermek and göndermek too. And for a long time I was actually sure that getirmek and götürmek are synonyms! Thanks to this lesson, I now know the truth :)

Thanks for your hard work! Too bad you stopped recording new material.
Jul 30, 2014
Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter? Really?? :D
Dec 20, 2014
Merhaba Justin,
One in review is a bit confusing. Içkimi bana getirsene? Looked again into Lesson 100 and question mark was used only in English translation but not in Turkish -sene/-senize original texts. Accordingly in Lesson 100 - should we use question mark after -sene/-senize or not?
May 08, 2017
I mean is it a question in Turkish or just request?
May 08, 2017
Hi Maciek! Yeah, you're right. it's not technically wrong. . . but it's weird. It was probably a typo. I've updated it. Çok teşekkür ederim!
May 09, 2017
Hi Justin,
You said you wonder what other verbs people get confused. For me, it is konuşmak, söylemek, and demek. I'm never sure which one to use. For example, in the second to last and last line of the dialogue you use demek and söylemek, but they both mean say. Are these verbs all interchangeable?
Thank you
Jun 01, 2017
Good question!

Söylemek and demek are basically interchangeable. In addition to seeing them used generally to refer to speech, they're both used frequently for direct quotations:

"Yada yada," şöyledi.
"Yada yada," dedi.

You don't see konuşmak used this way. As hinted by the little cooperative "-uş" suffix hidden in it, konuşmak is used more for chatting or discussing between multiple people.

However, these are just broad strokes. Don't take me too literally. For example,

"Konuşmaya başladı."
He started speaking.

"Konuşma yaptı."
She gave a speech. (konuşma being a noun here, but still)

Hope that helps!
Jun 03, 2017
I think konuşmak, söylemek, and demek are similar to speak, tell, and say, respectively. İs that reasonable?
We are speaking French. Fransız konuşuyoruz.
How do you say this? Bunu ne demek?
I told her to come. Ona gelmek söyledim.
(Pardon my ungrammatical Turkish.)
Apr 17, 2018
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