More Verb Types
We're going to use a lot of the verbs you already know, but adding suffixes to the verb stem to make them reflexive, causative, passive, and co-functional. Don't worry about the terminology, it's much easier than it sounds:)
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The Cooperative Suffix
Use -iş, -ş, or -leş to form the cooperative form of verbs.
The Cooperative
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The Reflexive Suffix
Add -in, -n, -len, or -il to for the reflexive form of the verbs.
The Reflexive
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The Causative
Add -dir, -t, -it, -ir, or -er to form the causative form of the verbs.
The Causative
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The Passive
Add -il, -in, or -n to form the passive form of the verbs.
The Passive